Valeria de Paiva

Valeria's photo


I am a Mathematician and AI Research Scientist, interested in NLP, logical Inference and all kinds of semantics. I work at the Topos Institute, Berkeley, a very exciting place. Once upon a time I finished my Ph.D. under the direction of Martin Hyland. My thesis can be found here. On this page you can find my research interests, my contact information, a curriculum vitae and resume for me. Also the link to my Wikipedia page and my blog Logic ForAll.

I was very honoured to be asked to be a council member of the DIVISION OF LOGIC, METHODOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2020-2023. They asked me to record a 2 min video about logic. This meant that I could call myself an Ambassador of Logic. You also can see some of the recorded talks I have given recently.

I am very keen on making sure that women are not short-changed in their professional lives. For that I help maintain the Women in Logic website, a facebook group Women in Logic, a blog Women in Logic and now a website of curated Women in Logic talks. I am in the Steering Committtee of Women in Logic. I also help with the ACM-W Scholarship program ACM-W Scholarship program. Most importantly I initiated and help to organize the Workshop Women in Logic, now in its nineth edition in Birmingham, UK.

Research Interests

My research interests span several areas: category theory, programming languages, type theories, and logic in computer science, in general. Also semantics of Natural Language, logic for semantics and lexical semantics. Then search methods and evaluation, knowledge graphs and ontologies. More fun comes in the shape of linear and modal logic, and applications to mathematics, as well as NLP methods for mathematical text.

Some Events

A full list of events will be added, as time permits. Here are some of the things I have been working on.

18th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2025), Brasilia, Brazil, October 6 – 11, 2025. Co-chair with Peter Koepke. website: International Category Theory Conference (CT2025), 13-19 July 2025 Masaryk University, Brno. Scientific Committee member. website: Prospects of formal mathematics. A Hausdorff Institute of Mathematics Trimester Program, Bonn, Germany, May 6 - August 16, 2024. Co-organizer with M. Kohlhase, J. Urban, J. Carette, K. Buzzard. website Strange Loop, "War Time Proofs and Futuristic Programs" (Sep 21 – 22, 2023 ). St. Louis, MO. Plenary speaker `Papers we Love'. website:, recording: Applied Category Theory MRC 2022. Mentor 12 phds and postdocs. website: Encontro Brasileiro de Teoria de Categorias. Jan 2021. Plenary Speaker, recordings
Segundo Encontro Brasileiro de Teoria de Categorias, 20-24 Mar 2023, USP Sao Paulo, Brasil. Invited Speaker and organizer
Terceiro Encontro Brasileiro de Teoria de Categorias EBTC 2025,
MFPS 2024, Oxford University, June 2024, Co-chair with Alex Simpson website:
CALCO/MFPS 2023, Bloomington, Indiana, 19-22 June 2023. Co-chair with Paolo Baldan, website
CALCO/MFPS 2021, Salzburg, Austria, Invited speaker, website:
Women in Logic Workshops.
WIL 2025, associated to FSCD, July 14, 2025. Birmingham, UK. website:
WIL 2024, associated to FSCD, July 9, 2024, Tallinn, Estonia.
WIL 2023, associated to FSCD/CADE, 1st July, 2023, Rome, Italy.
WiL 2022, at FLoC 2022, 31st July 2022, Haifa, Israel.
WiL 2021, associated to LiCS 20221, 27th June 2021, Rome, Italy, online.
WiL 2020, associated to FSCD 2020, 30 June 2020, Paris, France, online.
WiL 2019, associated to LiCS 2019, 23 June 2019, Vancouver, Canada.
WiL 2018, at FLoC 2018, 8 July 2018, Oxford, UK.
WiL 2017, associated to LiCS 2017, 19 June 2017, Reykjavik, Iceland.
17th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology, CLMPST 2023, July 24, 2023 - July 29, 2023, website:
International UNION OF HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 10–11 August 2018, Niteroi, Brazil. Invited Speaker,
Joint Meeting Brazil-Portugal 2022 (Independence 200), 18/19 Agosto 2022, UFBa, Salvador, Brasil. website:
Joint Meeting Brazil-France in Mathematics, 15-19 July, 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. website:
Applied Category Theory Conferences. PC at ACT 2021, 12-16 July 2021. website:
Applied Category Theory Adjoint Schools, since 2018. Mentor at 2020 school, 29 June--July 3 2020, MIT, Cambridge, MA. website:
Encontro Brasileiro de Mulheres Matematicas, 27-28 July, 2019, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. workshop website: Other Meetings.
Special Session on Proof Theory, ASL (Association for Symbolic Logic), UC Irvine, March 2020 (organizer with Elaine Pimentel and Reuben Rowe). cancelled by pandemic.
Natural Language and Computer Science workshops.
NLCS 2019, at IWCS 2019, 24 May 2019, Gothenburgh, Sweden.
NLCS 2018, at FLoC 2018 (Federated Logic Conference), July 2018, Oxford, UK. Proof-Theoretic Semantics, 27-30 March 2019,Tuebingen, Germany. website:
SYSMICS 2019.21-25 January 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Invited Speaker website:
Luxembourg Logic for AI Summit.17-26 September 2018, Luxembourg. website:
Meaningful Work: Advancing Computational Semantics, 28-31 May 2018, near Oslo, Norway. website:
Natural Language and Computer Science workshops.
NLCS 2019, at IWCS 2019, 24 May 2019, Gothenburgh, Sweden.
NLCS 2018, at FLoC 2018 (Federated Logic Conference), July 2018, Oxford, UK
Linearity and TLLA 2020 Workshop.
At FSCD 2020, 30 June 2020, Paris, France. website:
At FLoC 2018, 7-8 July 2018, Oxford, UK. website:

Contact Information
